Sima Shahriar
2 min readApr 16, 2024


i’m not iran

i am iranian

i’m not white

i’m minnesotan

i have no titles

i am a mother

i love the human race

i’m not white

i’m not black

i’m humanity

doctrine of signatures in herbalism: when you crush St. John’s Wort’s flower between your fingers, it turns into a beautiful red/fuchsia….sign of blood, or burning. St. John’s salve is excellent for burns (sunburn or from heat). That’s just one of it’s healing properties.


to be taught to consume pain of others and do nothing

that’s the way we’ve been taught, ever so slowly

in order to disengage


over and over

war after war

and then…….

hundreds of wars later

we buy into every reason for the next war

numbness and silence

signature of an overwhelm of over consumption and lack of real connection

we’re watching

they will die saving an embryo

they stay silent as hundreds of thousands of children die from hunger and war

they say i’m a third world citizen

they will only listen if my words doesn’t make them uncomfortable

if it does, they will say “you’re inappropriate”

we live in a land with an abundance second to none

yet more people are sick

and our children

how are our children?


a word that doesn’t exist in many indigenous tongue

the rate of suicide is highest in the land of the free and the home of the brave…..amongst children

where’s our mirrors?

the wise, the ones who carried culture, through their oral tradition said

before pointing your finger to others, pick up the mirror

ask yourself, what are you doing about the injustice?


why so much fear

in the land of the free and the home of the brave

stop the wars

stop using my money to destroy the earth

use the money to nourish our children

build for the homeless

farm the land for fresh fruits

they’re not wrapped in plastic

they don’t have twenty chemicals to keep them fresh

let’s make America great again

breaking the ice of minnesota silent nice

i dedicate my writings of the many injustices i’ve endured to give insight to my children and their friends. no blame. no shame.

may we remember that as we live our lives it is our duty to reflect and learn from our own mistakes and then speak.

